Catching up with your partner over a nice meal after a long day of work, errands and fun, seems like a dream come true. However, you’re unlikely to feel this way now that a lot of us are in quarantine. For some it’s a love bubble, and for others it’s, umm, probably close to a nightmare.
Anyway, so I was watching Jay Shetty live on Instagram the other day and learnt that, so many couples in quarantine are having a hard time staying married. Ok, I’m sorry, what? And then I tried to make sense out of what he was actually saying by applying his words on my relationship.
Could covid19 be impacting my relationship with my husband?
We have a healthy marriage, and naturally have our good and bad days, and with the present situation right, we both do find ourselves at a point where we just can’t take it anymore. I feel awful for people who are trapped in a bad marriage, but let’s save that for another blog post.
Honestly, it’s hard everyday, but we’re sticking to it, and therefor are trying our best. And this is how we work things out whilst in quarantine.
Whether it’s working, or spending leisure tine playing games or watching TV, be open and accepting to spending time apart from each other even if you live in a single bed room house. Let him lounge on the sofa outside whilst he talks to his buddies, and you can do your thing inside. You don’t have to be on each others ears, just let things flow in a natural way.
Well marriage can’t be a 50/50 balance all the time, sometimes you’ll end up giving 20% and he’ll do the rest of it, but be mindful of each other and take responsibility of everything equally. From cooking, to doing the dishes, to cleaning the bedroom etc, and just be conscious of what all is going around you. It’s getting tougher every day, so let each other know that you are there for each other through words, or intimacy or just a nice warm hug.
Communicate your fears, expectations, realizations, feelings etc about the current situation, your finances, life etc, and stay connected with your family and friends. And don’t forget to listen to each other since your quarantined together. So there will be chances where one of you will panic, or just lose it – so learn to be better at communicating. God knows we’re trying.
It’s not only good your mental health, but it will also put things in perspective. Get some fresh air, you don’t have to talk, breathe in and breathe out. Go for a walk, cycle etc and take care of yourself.
Times are so stressful right now and we all need each other. So the best we can do is make the most out of this situation. Instead of putting a full stop, add that comma in your life and be open to learning about your relationship. And if God willing, this too shall pass!