My little one eats nothing. He looks so thin and fragile…What should I do to help him gain some weight?
These and a lot more like these are common worries and complaints of mums around the globe. Ensuring balanced nutrition every day for kids is a huge task and if you have a picky eater the job demands double the efforts.
Always Remember…
Never try to encourage overeating in kids. We all deliberately indulge in this behavior just to satisfy ourselves not the kid! Science says that kids particularly toddlers are very good at regulating their appetite. So when they say no please STOP! Do not try to make birds coming out of thin air and never lash out your cell phone to distract them for a few more bites.
So brace yourself momies here we have rounded up 5 healthy foods that are tasty and kids will love to eat these. Additionally, these are easy to make. We have no plans to push you into the kitchen for good 3-4 hours. Check it out:
Probably the only vegetable kids eat happily. Packed with carbohydrates, fiber, and amino acids this makes healthy weight gain possible. From fries to mash potatoes kids will love this veggie unconditionally. Try adding a dollop of cream to mash potatoes making these yummy and sneaking in few more calories for help in weight gain.
What comes in handy when there seems to be nothing at the table that pleases your kiddo? Yes, an egg is an answer! This most sought after food is not just for breakfast. You can make several dishes from it from desserts to rolls and halwa options are numerous.
A Quick Recipe:
Boil a cup of milk and add two well-beaten eggs. Cook the mixture when it starts to become dry add desi ghee and fry it well. Choosing brown sugar and topping it up with nuts and raisins makes it supremely delicious and healthy dessert. Ou can also add in homemade cheese to make it more flavourful.
One of the fruits that babies can have as they start solids is banana. For kids, under 2 years the mash of banana with hiney and yogurt helps meet caloric requirements. For older kids try making banana bread and muffins.
Dairy products are considered essential for a balanced diet. Offer shakes, dairy ice creams, flavored yogurt, and cheese snacks in your baby’s diet. These help in weight gain and also help to maintain weight in a healthy bracket.
You should also make sure to add chicken and oats to your baby’s diet. Experimenting with flavors and consistency will help you find favorites of your baby. Just be sure to make mealtime fun for both of you.
Whenever you decide to introduce solids to to your baby’s routine, please consult your pediatrician for advise.