Green Entertainment’s ‘Fatima Feng’ is an intriguing and thought-provoking drama series that unfolds
with a unique blend of cultural diversity, spirituality, and love. The story, penned by Asma Wazir Gul and
directed by Fahim Burney, introduces us to a unique narrative, where a Chinese girl, JIya Feng (Howara
Batool), navigates a life filled with misconceptions and stereotypes about Islam and Muslims.
The episode opens with the introduction of the protagonist, Jiya Feng, who has grown up in an atheist
environment that harbors a deep-seated resentment against Muslims, stemming from the tragic loss of
her father to an act of terrorism. Her character is skillfully portrayed, showcasing the internal conflict
that plagues her, as her perceptions of Muslims continue to evolve and brew.
Howara Batool’s portrayal of Jiya Feng is captivating, capturing the essence of her characters’ inner
turmoil. The audience is drawn into her journey from Jiya Feng to Fatima Feng, a transformation that
promises to be both enlightening and heartfelt.
The ensemble cast, including Usama Khan as Ammar, Mehr Bano as Natasha, and supporting actors
Babar Ali, Munazzah Arif, Farhan Aly Agha, and Tara Mehmood, adds depth to the storytelling, with their
performances enhancing the overall viewing experience.
Ammar, recently returned from America, seeks to break away from the traditional path set by his
parents and establish his own startup, rather than joining his father’s established business. Usama
Khan’s portrayal of Ammar is charismatic, making him a character to watch closely in the upcoming
The tension between Ammar’s desire for independence and his parents wish for him to marry his cousin
Natasha, an artist specializing in abstract painting, adds depth and layers to the plot. Mehr Bano, as
Natasha, delivers a nuanced performance that promises to be an integral part of the unfolding story.
What sets ‘Fatima Feng’ apart is its unique selling point, combining cultural diversity, spirituality, and a
sense of love and connection. The series promises to be an exploration of how misconceptions can be
shattered and how spirituality can bring solace and transformation, even in the most unexpected ways.
Overall, Episode 1 of ‘Fatima Feng’ lays a strong foundation for a promising and emotionally resonant
drama series. With its well-crafted characters, complex themes, and a compelling narrative, the show
has all the elements to keep viewers engaged and eager to witness the transformation of its enigmatic
protagonist. As the story progresses, it is poised to offer a fresh perspective on love, identity, and
spirituality. Don’t miss out on this captivating journey of self-discovery and transformation.