“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” (Diana)
This inspiring quote tells a lot about Princess of Wales, the simplicity of her thought and the fact that she wrote off any expectation of reward and found peace in the belief that the deeds will be returned in some mystical way.
I am obsessed with Diana, for the kindness she held fast to. The heights of fame, genuine following and glory she conquered were not because of her royal status, but simply because she was “a truly beautiful kind soul” .
“Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be, doing what I can.” , she professed and practiced. Compassionate to the core, Diana touched those who everybody else avoided touching. A champion for children, she smilingly took every available chance of reaching out to many afflicted with leprosy around the world. Her random acts of kindness had been diverse, daring and profound. She toured land mines with a mere helmet on, putting immense pressure on the government to eventually ban the use of land mines.
Helping was her lifestyle, she once shrugged off with disgust an official’s suggestion to speak at a nuclear arms enhancement occasion on behalf of the Monarchy. “Nuclear Weapons, what?! I just want to help people, is it a difficult thing to explain.”
Last Sunday marked the 17th anniversary of her tragic death, her legacy lives on and she is fondly remembered by many.