[tps_header]We are in the business of fashion and so, our life revolves around it and more often than not, we find ourselves understanding, loving and breathing style. Here are some of the fashion quotes by our favourite and historically iconic fashion designers that genuinely hit home. We just can’t help but swear by the incredible messages they deliver. These are the five fashion quotes that SiddySays swears by (and you should too!)[/tps_header]
“Over the years I have learnt that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it” – Yves Saint Laurent
Indeed! No one could have said it better than Yves Saint Laurent. Dressing up is about style and fashion of course, but nothing matters as much as who you are on the inside. You can make the world’s ugliest dress look beautiful by the way you carry it or you could make the most beautiful dress look ugly. It is all up to you!