The uncountable blessings of Ramzan are coming to an end with ebullient ‘Eid vacations. It’s of no surprise if lack of sleep, rough weather conditions, and dehydration have taken a toll on your skin. While a salon day for reviving your skin is a must these are some things you should do at home too. This will reinvigorate your skin and you will be all shining through the ‘Eid days and after. Here are some expert-approved, effective yet easy night masks for a pre-eid glow with these tried and tested tips.
Glow with Aloe with Vitamin E
Take a teaspoon full of Aloe Vera gel and add teaspoons of vitamin E oil. Apply it over face and neck. Avoid applying in the vicinity of eyes. This mask will rehydrate, moisturize, and brighten your skin. Wash it off with cold water first thing in the morning. For better results use it 2-3 times a week.
Reclaim Fresh Look with Milk and Turmeric
Take 1-2 teaspoon of organic turmeric powder and mix with a small portion of raw milk to constitute a runny mixture. Apply with fingers or a cotton ball. Once dried you can wash off or keep it overnight. Use cold water to rinse your face. Nutrients, proteins, and fats in milk add to skins freshness. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric reduce puffiness, pimples and also brighten skin complexion. It can be used as frequently as 3-4 times/week.
Smooth and Supple Skin with Egg White Mask
Apply one egg’s white over your face and neck evenly. Natural astringents and vitamin A in egg tighten up pores and are effective for loose saggy skin. This maks is promising for reducing fine lines and wrinkles if used regularly repeating 2-3/week.
Detox with Coconut and Tea tree Oil
Mix a teaspoon of coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree oil. Apply this mixture and massage it for a few minutes. Coconut deep cleanses your skin when applies overnight. It is one of the best oils recommended for moisturizing skin and hair as well. Besides antibacterial properties tea tree oil also has the power to fight dark spots and pigmentation leaving your skin bright and just perfect to enjoy a jubilant ‘Eid.