What do you wear when its no longer freezing cold and neither is it blistering hot! The cambric suit is too warm, the lawn suit is too breezy. The long boots must be packed off, and no, its not the season for flip flops.
At this time of year, we opt for a more wearable option which isn’t warm and neither does it let you feel any chills, Silk. If you share our thoughts then we have good news. Nishat Linen recently launched their silk collection that have a wide range of traditional and contemporary designs. These are two and three piece suits which gives us the freedom of getting it sticthed whichever way we like (we love a silk kaftan)
A diverse range of designs to choose from, this collection features trendy tunics, scalloped embroidery, fancy brooches along with beaded details, party wear clothes fit for formal and glamorous occasions. The prints range from bold Ikat designs that give the illusion of movement and suggest geometric shapes within an overall print to Middle Eastern patterns and classic Paisley motifs.
The colors also range from whites to bright yellows, making the collection feel very fluid and feminine, just the way silk should look!
If you haven’t seen yet, here are some styles and designs that can go a long way in your wardrobe!